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Examples on How to Search for Information Using SeekiNF

Example 1 - Search for Documents Containing Certain Key Words:
Suppose you want to get all the 10Ks that contained the following words: futures, options, swaps, and hedging for the years 1994-2014. Follow these steps:
Step 1 - Enter Key word to Search: Type the words separated by a space: futures options swaps hedging in the slot “With all of the words”.
Step 2 - Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2014.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Paragraph (All).
Step 4 – Select Document Type: Select all types of 10Ks.
Step 5 – SUBMIT: Click on Submit button.

In about 9 seconds, 16,393 10Ks are obtained.
The middle panel displays paragraphs containing the key words highlighted in yellow. The total word count with and without numbers in the document are displayed on the right hand side for the company highlighted on the left. Click on the next company on the left hand side to get the total word count for this company. Frequency distribution of top 20 words with/without stop words are displayed on the right hand side panel.

Additional Results in the same 9 seconds:
Frequency distribution of all the words downloadable in MS Excel by clicking on the button on the right hand side, just above the panel displaying WORD COUNT. Download the output results (list of all companies along with the company specific information) in MS Excel by clicking on the “Download Result” on the left hand side. All the above is achieved in few seconds

Example 2 - Drill down for the presence of multiple phrases:
Suppose you want to find all the companies that have mentioned the following phrases in DEF 14A & DEFA 14A during 1994-2014: “Bonus plans”, “Stock options” and “Equity incentives”.
Step 1 - Enter Key word to Search: Type the phrases Bonus plans +Stock options +Equity incentives in the slot “With the exact phrase” without quotes separated by + (for “AND” logic)
Step 2 - Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2014.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Paragraph (All)
Step 4 - Select Document Type: Select DEF 14A and DEFA 14A
Step 5 - SUBMIT: Click on Submit button

In about 11 seconds, 1,920 DEF 14As and DEFA 14As are obtained:
Display of paragraphs in the middle with the key words highlighted in yellow. The total word count with and without numbers displayed on the right hand side contained in the document for this company highlighted on the left side. Frequency Distribution of Top 20 words with/without stop words on the right hand side. Frequency distribution of all the words downloadable in MS Excel as described in Example 1.

Example 3 - Drill down for the presence of some and absence of some other exact phrases:
Suppose you want to find all the companies that have mentioned the phrase “Bonus plans” but have not mentioned “Stock options” and “Equity incentives” in DEF 14A & DEFA 14A during 1994-2014.
Step 1 - Enter Key word to Search: Type the phrases Bonus plans -Stock options -Equity incentives in the slot “With the exact phrase” (+ for presence and – for absence)
Step 2 - Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2014
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Paragraph (All)
Step 4 - Select Document Type: Select DEF 14A and DEFA 14A
Step 5 - SUBMIT: Click on Submit button

In 9.9 seconds, 305 DEF 14As and DEFA 14As are obtained:
Display of paragraphs in the middle where the key words (highlighted in yellow) appear. The total word count with and without numbers displayed on the right hand side contained in the document for this company highlighted on the left side. Frequency distribution of top 20 words with/without stop words on the right hand side. Frequency distribution of all the words and the output results can be downloaded in MS Excel as described in Example 1.

Example 4 - Count a given phrase in a document:
Suppose you want to count occurrence of a phrase, say “Class Action” in 10Ks and 10K/As for the years 1994-2014.
Step1-Enter Key word to Search: Type the phrase Class Action in the slot “With the exact phrase” and check the counter just below this slot.
Step 2: Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2014.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Paragraph (All)
Step 4- Select Document Type: Select 10K and 10K/A
Step 5-SUBMIT: Click on Submit button

In about 35 seconds, all the counts for 21 + years and the corresponding word distribution are obtained:
37,434 10Ks and 10K/As contain the phrase Class Action with the counts. There is no system in the market that can determine the count this efficiently. The left side panel gives the number of occurrence of the phrase along with the company specific information. One can download all the counts by clicking the button “Download Results” at the top of the left panel. We can provide the download results if it takes too much time for you. The middle panel displays the paragraphs containing the phrase and the right hand panel provides the total word count.

Example 5 (Professor Jide Wintoki, Finance Faculty at KU):
Suppose you want to know which companies voluntarily adopted fair value option expensing prior to the imposition of mandatory expensing in 2005. This information is not available via any of the usual WRDS datasets. One way to do it is to do a Lexis-Nexis news search for companies that announced the adoption of fair value option expensing. Unfortunately this would not yield a comprehensive sample of voluntary adopters since some companies did not announce voluntary adoption via press releases. So using Lexis-Nexis will undercount voluntary adopters.

Another possibility is to read all the 10-Ks of companies between 2002 and 2005. This is a potentially months - or even year-long labor intensive exercise, and one that is prone to error. Because there is no standard adoption language, each 10-K would need to be read carefully while the reader pays attention to paragraphs that discuss option expensing. There are over 1,000 potential adopters, which means reading at least 3,000 - 4,000 filings!

SeekiNF is thus particularly helpful. Using search terms related to option expensing (e.g. "SFAS 123", "SFAS 123-R", "fair value", "option expensing", etc.), one can generate in a matter of seconds, a list of 10-Ks that discuss option expensing. Even more importantly, SeekiNF takes the reader right to the paragraph of the 10-K that discusses option expensing! This significantly reduces the amount of time and effort required to put together a comprehensive data set of companies that voluntarily adopted fair value option expensing.

CLICK HERE to start using SeekiNF.

Some Guidelines to use SeekiNF (Download hard copy)

Use of Exact Phrases:
You can search any document with a combination of exact phrases with "AND", "OR", or any combination. Seek iNF uses "+" for AND, "|" for OR, and "-" for negation with or without space before and after the symbol. Type the phrases in the "With the exact phrase" slot.

Suppose we have three phrases represented by A, B, & C.

  • For AND logic, type the phrases separated by + sign as: A + B + C
  • For OR logic, type the phrases separated by | symbol as: A | B | C
  • For AND and OR: such as A&(B or C): Type A+(B | C)
  • For AND and negation such as “A & B & notC”. Type as A+B-C
  • For OR and Negation such as “(A or B)& notC”. Type as (A | B) –C

Some Important points to remember:

  • “ With the exact phrase” and “Proximity Search” work together as “AND” logic.
  • “With the exact phrase” and “With all the words” together work as “AND” logic.
  • “With the exact phrase” and “With any one of the words” work as “OR” logic.
  • “Without the words” would work only when you are using another criterion.
  • The Wild card search will not work in “With the exact phrase” and “Proximity Search”.

Example 6 - A Measure of Competition Based on 10 K:
A Measure of Competition Based on 10-K Filings by Li, Lundholm, and Minnis, in Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 51 No. 2 May 2013, pp: 399-436.
This paper computes management's perceptions of the intensity of the competition using textual analysis of the firm's 10-K filing. They count the number of occurrences of “competition, competitor, competitive, compete, competing,” including those words with an "s" appended, and then remove any case where "not," "less," "few," or "limited" precedes the word by three or fewer words.
Their measure of competition is PCTCOMP = NCOMP/NWORDS
NCOMP = number of words in 10K as described above
NWORDS = Total number of words without numbers
SeekiNF yields these counts in seconds Let us consider companies in Telephone Communication industry, SIC = 4813, and get the list of companies that have mentioned the word "Competition" but no mention of "Less Competition" as one of the criteria of the authors and obtain a measure of PCTCOMP as defined above. Here is what you do in SeekiNF:
Step1-Enter Key word to Search: Type the following Competition - less competition in the slot “With the exact phrase”. This will look for the presence of the word competition but absence of less competition.
Step 2: Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, in SIC Code 4813, type 4813 in the slot for SIC and select the industry and leave the default choice "All" in the slot "Company" and select the desired time frame 1994-2014.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Paragraph (All)
Step 4- Select Document Type: Select 10K
Step 5-SUBMIT: Click on Submit button (See the details in the next slide)

In just 6 seconds, 317 companies in Telephone Communication Industry that had the word "competition" and no "less competition" are obtained:
Download the word distribution for few companies and compute the index. In each case it takes only few seconds to get the distribution. Here are PCTCOMPs for few companies for 1999. This is just an illustration of the process involved. One needs to remove the cases with the words few, limited, not as mentioned in the paper:
Globix Corp: PCTCOMP = 1.003; IXNET Inc.: PCTCOMP = 1.022; Airgate Wireless Inc.: PCTCOMP = 2.820
Just for curiosity, we have computed PCTCOMP for Globix for 1999 – 2015 to see if it has changed over the years. It would be an interesting question, if it changes then why? It seems the company did not exist as Globix after 2006. Here are the results:
1999: 1.003; 2000: 0.153; 2001:0.285 ; 2002: 0.436; 2003: 0.435; 2004: 1.034; 2005: 1.728; 2006: 1.210.

Example 7 - Wild Card Search:
Suppose you are working on a project similar to “A Measure of Competition Based on 10-K Filings by Li, Lundholm, and Minnis, in Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 51 No. 2 May 2013, pp: 399-436.”
Use of WILD CARD search will be the easiest way to get all the companies’ 10Ks that have these words: “competition, competitor, competitive, compete, competing,” including those words with an “s” appended.
Type compet* in “With all the words” and the word competent in “Without the words” in Step 1, select “all” and select a time period in Step 2, say 2014-2014, select “Paragraph (all)” in Step 3, and 10K & 10K/A in Step 4, and then click on Submit in Step 5. 5,323 companies are obtained in 8 seconds. The right hand side is the word distribution for all those 10Ks. One can use the exact phrase to eliminate some words such as less competitive or limited competition.

Example 8 - Unique Financial Information from 10K
There are many unique financial line items that are not available in any of the current databases. For example, you want to find Air Traffic Liability for airline companies for the year 2015. This information is not easily available. Here is what you can do to get this number:
Step1-Enter Key word to Search: Type the phrase Air Traffic Liability in the slot “With the exact phrase”
Step 2: Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2014.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Table
Step 4- Select Document Type: Select 10K
Step 5-SUBMIT: Click on Submit button

You can download the entire table in MS Excel or copy and paste just that line item. Here is the example:
 2014 2015
Air traffic liability$150,479$138,890
Our system is unique. One can search by key words even for financial information. We are making this aspect even more robust and efficient.

Example 9 - Going Concern Opinions from 10Ks
Suppose you want to get all the companies that received going concern opinion between 1994-2015 (as of 05-10-2015). This is easy, you can get this result in few seconds. There is nothing in the market that can give you such a result on-line, as current. Here is what you need to do.
Step1-Enter Key word to Search: Type the phrases raise substantial doubt about +going concern in the slot “With the exact phrase”
Step 2: Select Company Name, SIC and Date: Since we want all the companies, leave the default choice “All” and select the desired time frame 1994-2015.
Step 3 – Select Resolution: Select Audit Report
Step 4 – Select Document Type: Select 10K (all versions of 10K)
Step 5 – SUBMIT: Click on Submit button

In few seconds, 17,294 companies names that received going concern opinions are obtained, you can also download all the companies information in an Excel spreadsheet.
Next, you can get the going concern opinions by audit firms by re-searching the going concern opinions with audit firm names. This can be achieved in few seconds.
Keep the same search criteria as the previous case but add the phrase, say, Deloitte, in the slot “With all of the words” to get the going concern opinions issued by Deloitte. ( In few seconds, 819 opinions are obtained).
This shows the power of our system that allows you to get specific piece of information for your research.

Contact Dr. Raj Srivastava at for full subscription and other details.